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Automate, Autofollow and Autoschedule Social Media Toolbox
Course Introduction & Promo
Course Outline, Intro, About Me (3:20)
TIME: Scheduling Social Media Updates
Find The Best Time of Day to Schedule Facebook (7:32)
Scheduling Facebook & Twitter (Natively) (9:40)
Scheduling ALL Social Media Sites At Once (7:30)
Repeat Evergreen Multiple Updates to Facebook Twitter Over Years (7:25)
Upload 100's (Bulk) Status Updates to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ for Year (6:00)
ADVANCED: More on Bulk Upload Spreadsheet/Scheduling (3:01)
Let The Software Schedule the Time! (10:21)
Extensions for Scheduling social media updates
CONTENT: Automating Content Distribution on Social Media
From Your Blog/Website to Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn etc (5:20)
Send News, Blogs and Magazine Articles to Social Media Automatically (8:35)
Automatically Recycle Evergreen Content (10:39)
ADVANCED: AutoBlogging (9:34)
CLIENTS: Automate Growing Your Database of Followers ETC
Twitter: Unfollow Based on Lack of Interaction (10:33)
Twitter: Following by Location and Subject (5:53)
General Automation
Everything Else (13:31)
Course WrapUp
How Did It Work For You? What Next...? (2:58)
POST: Student Q and A
AYUSH: Automating RSS to Facebook Group (NOT an Admin)
Let The Software Schedule the Time!
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