5 Step Social Media Campaign Course
USYD CCE STEP BY STEP: Facebook, Twitter & Blog/Website Also Monitoring, Engagement & Measurement of a Social Media Campaign. Click ENROL IN COURSE for Pricing.
Watch PromoWhat are the 5 Steps of a Social Media Campaign?
When Facebook Page managers first step beyond "throwing up an update every so often" they tend to focus on competitions and giveaways to "get serious about Facebook engagement". Well that's one way. But how about a 5 Step campaign framework that works for all the organisations I've delivered this to in the last ten or so years? Government, Corporates, Not for Profits, Small Business and so on?
Step One: Monitoring
What monitoring dashboards have you got set up? Hint: if its only Hootsuite, read on. You need at least the top 20 blogs and websites that your customers read.
Monitoring is CRITICAL for "found content" (sharing easily), for crisis comms management (hot topics) and for industry news and breakthroughs. Which tools are best? How to monitor on one page in 5 minutes what would take hours usually. Bring Facebook Pages and Groups, Twitter, Instagram photos and hashtags, LinkedIn groups and pages, Google Plus etc altogether. Save time and resources!
Step Two: Content & Voice
Once you've monitored your network for a while, what voice will you take? Passionate advocate a la Google on women in science or Starbucks on marriage equality? Or will you stay away from value based voices? How about educational? Snarky and smartypants? Edgy and youthful? What content suits both your voice and your audience? Videos? Indepth articles? Inspirational posts? "We the company would like to announce a special offer" doesn't really do much on social media...
Step Three: Discussions and Engagement
Ok, so you've monitored your target audience, and created content for them, how is the Engagement and Reach coming along? Are you using #hashtags to place the content in front of the correct groups or just posting to your own followers? Are you @influencer to engage with people who have a following that would be interested in your content. Are you content marketing or promotion marketing? Gaining and retaining Engagement is a key metric on whether Facebook will show your content to your followers of your Facebook page. Ditto with the other platforms.
Step Four: Promotion Marketing
What types of activities do you deliver into your follower network? Do you do onboarding, gamification, competitions, giveaways, coupons. Do you have a Facebook Funnel to bring people through the great content - sign up for ebook - take first offer - upsell funnels? Social Media works best with warm leads - cold advertising and promotions struggle. Are you boosting the right posts, doing the right ads to the right audiences?
Step One: Analytics
If you can't measure it don't do it. Followers - is your content diary increasing your Likes? Engagement - are you content posts and hashtags and influencer strategies bringing you more retweets and shares? Reach - are you reaching more people with more engagement? Market Intelligence - are you reaching the right Preferred Audience (target market), the right Lookalike, the right Social Graph? How is the Facebook algorithm datasets supporting or not supporting your conversation diary? What time is the best time to post, are videos getting more engagement than links, are grandmothers more engaged than their daughters?
I hope you found this information useful. It forms the basis for a course that I have been teaching since 2005 at the Uni of Sydney which is now available online (see below).
5 Step Social Media Campaign Course Description
This is a Corporate course for Business, Government and Not for Profits: Perhaps you've got a Facebook Page and a Twitter account and want to build more Likes/Followers or get more Engagement? Or your social media is going great guns but your website sits there unloved and not integrated? You aren't sure what to post on Facebook and Twitter and when - plus measuring seems pretty difficult, with either too much analytics (Facebook Insights) or not enough (Twitter, Instagram etc)? You'd like to know more about monitoring panels and 3rd party tools but where to start? Building a blog and writing on it seems time consuming and tricky? This course takes you through step by step
- setting up monitoring panels (check the community groups),
- building a brand voice and content strategy (what to say),
- create discussion lists and hashtags and engagement strategies for Facebook Optimization (FBO) and Twitter Timelines.
- You will create a blog or business social media newsroom, change the theme, header, write articles and include videos on it.
This is a great little course to get started on social media in a meaningful way or as a way to upskill from a basic Facebook Page or Twitter that needs more subscribers, engagement and reach.
Please click PREVIEW next to lectures and MORE to see more of the curriculum below.
I've been running Facebook Pages and other social media platforms for reality shows like Big Brother and Idol and Masterchef over many many years. This is what works and doesn't work for us.
Course Curriculum
StartJoining Me at a Corporate or Educational Venue?
PreviewSigning Up, Using This Site, Redeeming a Coupon
PreviewIntroduction (1:24)
PreviewThe 5 Steps of a Social Media Campaign with Facebook, Twitter, Monitoring, Blogs
StartRESOURCES: Documents Workbooks Updated March 2016
StartDISCUSSION FORUM: Please ask questions HERE
StartSocial Media Monitoring of Traditional News Media Websites
StartMonitoring Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media Platform News (5:39)
StartMonitoring Government News Impacting Your Community Promotions (5:22)
StartAdd Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter Apps to the Dashboard (4:55)
Preview2017: Add Facebook Business Pages RSS feed to Monitoring Dashboards (4:24)
StartQUIZ: Social Media Monitoring
40% increase in Twitter followers and 400% increase in FB likes in 3 days. Thanks @SilkCharm for the tips #radio #contentisking— Barry Keohane (@barrykeohane) August 3, 2015
INSANELY Knowledgable Engaging & Entertaining #SocialMediaMarketing training course by @laurelpapworth @SilkCharm @Sydney_Uni LOVED IT!!!
— Sarah Jane (@sra9999) March 29, 2015Students from my University of Sydney, Centre for Continuing Education course.
Please note, I've been teaching a version of this course at the University of Sydney for the last 10 years - if you are a past student, THIS course is the online version with uptodate tools, videos and tips. Also updated workbooks are available in Section One so check back to see newer versions! You have THREE days to login with the discount coupon OR direct link if given one in class.
Please go to The About/Help Section if you have any questions and for contact details.
Your Instructor

Join the 11,000 students that study with me online, the 10,000 social media professionals I have trained offline in the last decade and work on your social media and online community management skills!
Forbes Magazine named me in the Top 50 Social Media Influencers globally,named head of media, social media by Marketing Magazine and in the Power150 AdAge Media bloggers. I strive to show the theory/strategy with practical tactical tools in online community building.
I am a CERT IV Training and Assessment certified trainer (Diplomas and Certificates etc) and I also have taught a Masters of Convergent Media.
Professionally, I have managed Facebook Pages for Junior Masterchef, Idol, Big Brother etc. and have consulted on private online communities for banks, not for profits & governments in SE Asia. I have taught social media for businesses at University of Sydney for 10 years and I have 11,000 online students. My clients range from UNHCR and TV shows to small businesses and Women Matter (Saudi Arabia Women of Islam community).
I have a quarter of a million followers online, personally reaching around 6 million people per month through social media. I have taught around 100,000 people in the last 10 years how to build online communities, create social media content, write strategy documents, drive social media campaigns and improve their Facebook Page through FBO and earned attention.
More, much more information on Laurel Papworth's About page.
Frequently Asked Questions
For enrolled students please use the in-course forum for social media questions. For business requirements please use this form.
More TESTIMONIALS for nervous nellies :) :